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Anti-corrosive properties and a wide variety of colors allow for extensive use outdoors.

Specific properties

  • Corrosion and cleaning agents resistance

  • Warm and smooth touch

  • Wide range of colors available

  • Good UV and weathering resistance

  • Durable with high impact resistance

  • Graffiti easy to remove



  • Lamp posts
  • Garden and park furniture
  • Stadium seats
  • Fences and banisters
  • Playground equipment

Premium grades

Among the wide product line there are two grades that can offer exceptional performance outdoors.

  • ES Grey 9132 MAC
  • T Grey 9102 MAC

With even better UV-resistance and long-term resistance to extreme maritime and industrial environments, these powder grades can withstand up to 15 years in C5-I, C5-M environments as defined in ISO 12944 Part 2 (according to internal coating results). Contact us for selecting the best grade for outdoor applications.
