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The rapid electrification of the automotive industry comes with many technical challenges. One of them is that, when Hybrid vehicles are operated on the Electric “zero emission” mode, the fuel remains within fuel lines without flowing for several days or weeks. This increases the extraction of leachable components from the plastic line. In addition to insoluble oligomers, soluble content may be extracted at a level that may become detrimental to the engine (fuel injector clogging). Carmakers are searching for competitive “low washout” monolayer solutions to be implemented on hybrid vehicles to solve this issue and to help accelerate the growth of environmentally virtuous vehicles.


Rilsan® polyamide 11 is a reference material in corrugatd low oligomer (insoluble component) fuel delivery modules and other in-tank fuel transport tubing. To achieve low extractible performance (soluble and insoluble components), only expensive multilayer solutions were previously proposed (including fluorinated or aromatic polymer outer and inner layers, for instance) with narrower processing windows and performance limitations (fragility). Offering a monowall solution allows Arkema’s customers to optimize cost and adapt to more stringent designs and specifications.


Market: Transportation

Application: In-tank lines of plug-in hybrids

Production Process: Tube extrusion, smooth or corrugated

Material: Rilsan® Polyamide 11


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Bio-based Rilsan® PA11

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Advanced Bio-Circular (ABC) Materials

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