Literature on Kepstan® PEKK
Kepstan® PEKK General Brochure
Kepstan® PEKK is a member of the Poly Aryl Ether Ketone (PAEK) family, which has the uncommon make-up of being a copolymer that contains terephthalic and isophthalic moieties. This high-performance material provides a unique combination of properties over a very wide range of temperatures. This polymer family has exceptional advantages for processing and expands the application possibilities offered by the PAEK family.
Kepstan® PEKK For Demanding Electrical Applications
This brochure presents Kepstan® PEKK's advantages that answer the most challenging requirements in electrical applications. We detail PEKK's key properties such as superior mechanical performance and high-temperature and chemical resistance and explain why it is suited to challenging requirements in a large array of processes.
Thermoforming of Ultra-high Performance Semi-Crystalline Kepstan® PEKK
In this brochure prepared in collaboration with Westlake Plastics, we cover key challenges around thermoforming of ultra-high performance semi-crystalline polymers and we explain why Kepstan® PEKK is the ultimate solution for highly demanding applications.
Kepstan® PEKK brochure about tribology
Tribology is the engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion which applies the principles of friction and wear. Selecting the right material to produce tribological parts depends on many points, like pressure applied, sliding speed, durability, temperature, lubrication and more. In this brochure, we provide a series of key material properties to explain why Kepstan® PEKK is the most suitable material for the tribological application.
Kepstan® PEKK Oil and Gas Brochure
This brochure explains the key properties and characteristics of Kepstan® PEKK that make it ideal for oil and gas applications.
Kepstan® PEKK Powder Coating Brochure
Kepstan® PEKK-based powder coatings offer an outstanding combination of physical properties and application ease that make it the ideal choice for your demanding coatings application.
Kepstan® PEKK Introduction Slide Deck
The introduction presentation explains Kepstan® PEKK's key properties and compatible processing technologies. You can find Kepstan® PEKK's performance data in comparison with PEEK and other PAEK materials.
White paper: Oil & Gas Seals Fabrication via FFF
As designers and engineers more widely embrace additive manufacturing, there must be a stronger focus on the economic justification of this new process. In this white paper, we address how the increased productivity of the miniFactory Ultra can further make the case of a viable economic solution with the Kimya PEKK-SC filament by printing high-quality seals.
This study is a part of our two-part white paper series. In case you missed our first white paper of this series "Semi-crystalline Kepstan® PEKK Seals via Fused Filament Fabrication on the miniFactory Ultra®" you can download it here:
Download the first white paper